Chai vanilla latte ice cream

It’s National ice cream day! Celebrate with a scoop or two of this delicious chai vanilla latte tea ice cream. This ice cream recipe is inspired by my love of chai tea lattes and ice cream. If you want to know how to make ice cream without an ice cream maker check out this Link. Homemade ice cream is so much better than store bought, you can control how much sugar is added and what type of sugar is added, so it is also healthier. If this flavor of ice cream doesn’t interest you check out my ice cream recipe for Homemade Lavender infused vanilla bean ice cream. It’s a big hit in my house, and I’m always making it. I use the base of that ice cream recipe to make other ice cream recipes. I just add what ever flavorings I want to use at the end.

Here’s what you need:
8 egg yolks
2 cups heavy organic cream
1 1/2 cups of whole fat organicmilk
1 teaspoon of organic vanilla extract
3 earl grey tea bags
10 organic cardomom pods
1 organic clove
3/4 cup of organic maple sugar, (can use agave, maple syrup or any sweetener you choose)
2 organic cinnamon sticks, or 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

Add the milk, tea bags, clove, cinnamon, to a sauce pan, bring to a boil, then turn off heat and let steep for 10 minutes:

 Add 1 cup of heavy cream to the warm milk mixture, turn the fire back on low and heat to just before it simmers, then turn off heat, and let it steep for 5 minutes. Then strain mixture.
In a mixing bowl beat egg yolks and sugar, until light an creamy:

Take one cup of the warm milk and cream mixture and while whisking, slowly add it to the egg and sugar mixture. Be careful to go slowly, you don’t want scrambled eggs! Once the eggs have been tempered, slowly add the tempered egg mixture to the remaining warm milk and cream mixture in the sauce pan. Turn on fire, add the last cup of heavy cream, and stir with a wooden spoon until the mixture thickens enough to coat the back of a wooden spoon.

Turn off heat and immediately pour the hot mixture into a large bowl. Allow mixture to cool to room temperature, then either place in an air tight container and refrigerate overnight so that the flavors can meld, or freeze according to your ice cream makers instructions.

What’s your favorite kind of ice cream? Follow me and like my Facebook page: