Artisan Prosciutto Tomato and Basil Pizza

Okay I admit it, I’m lazy and don’t feel like cooking most days. But if I gave into my impulses to not cook, I’d likely starve. When I’m feeling especially lazy I take out a pre made pizza dough and  the most basic jar of tomato sauce I can find and make pizza. I love pizza and I feel like it gets a bad wrap because of all the frozen pizzas out there. Rightfully so too. Frozen pizzas lack the flavor of fresh ones, and no matter what you add to them, they just cannot compete with a fresh hot  homemade pizza. Pizza also doesn’t have to be just for kids, with the right toppings you can take a plain pizza dough and turn it into something that is sophisticated and grown up without too much effort. This recipe is a great example of that. Start with a great Proscuitto, I get mine at my Whole Foods deli. They slice it fresh, on the spot. The fresh basil in this is also a must, dried just doesn’t bring the flavor you need for this, so don’t take the shortcut unless you absolutely have to.

Prep Time: 3 minutes
Cook Time: 12 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes

1 whole wheat Pizza dough,
1/2 cup of organic tomato sauce
Proscuitto 1/4 of a pound
1/2  cup of fresh basil leaves
1 cup mozzarella cheese grated
1 tomato sliced

Preheat your oven according to the instructions on your pizza dough. Dust a working surface with flour, and roll out your pizza dough. Try to get an even thickness, shape doesn’t really matter. Top with a generous amount of tomato sauce, then add cheese, tomato slices, basil and lastly the Proscuitto .

Put it in the oven on either a pizza stone or a foil lined cookie sheet (make sure you spray it with a little oil) until the dough is golden brown, about 10-12 minutes. Slice and enjoy!

What are some of your favorite pizza toppings?  Follow and like me on Facebook: