Southern Style Fried Catfish

Southern style Catfish

Southern style Catfish


Last week I was watching a documentary called,  Soul Food Junkies, it was about the history and resulting health consequences of eating too much soul food. It was a great  documentary, informative, and inspiring in all the right places. However, I left viewing it with a strong desire to eat collard greens and catfish. My grandmother fried fish, and cooked greens like no one else on this planet, I miss her cooking so much!  I guess one could say that my craving was one more of emotional comfort rather than hunger. Whatever, the reason for my craving, it was one that I had to fulfill. It worked out perfectly, as things go, my Whole Foods had 4 catfish fillets on hand, they rarely if ever have catfish, so I took it as a sign that my grandmother was looking out for me and wanted me to have the comfort of the meal I had set out to make. I rarely cook fried fish, but when I do, I love to have it with collard greens. So I picked up a few bushels from my local farmers market and set out to make this meal. This is not my grandmothers recipe, but it’s pretty great on its own. Her recipe involved much more detail than this one does, and that required more time than I had on that Sunday. If you want, and have the time, you can crack an egg and whisk it to use as a wash to dip the fish into before putting it into the corn meal. I skipped that option and the fish was still crispy and juicy.

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1 lb of cat fish fillets, quartered

1/2 teaspoon of paprika

1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder

1/2 teaspoon of onion powder

sea salt and black pepper to taste

1/2 cup of corn meal

1/2 cup of grapeseed oil, or safflower oil

Directions: Heat the oil in a cast iron skillet. season the cat fish fillets with sea salt and black pepper. Mix the paprika, onion powder, and garlic powder together in a small bowl, then sprinkle the mixture evenly over both sides of the fish.


Coat the fish with the corn meal then add it to the hot oil, and fry until golden brown, and cooked through…about 7-10 minutes. Transfer to a paper towel lined plate, and enjoy!
