Thai inspired Coconut Soup


Thai Coconut Soup

Thai Coconut Soup


One of my favorite soups to get when we go out to eat Thai food is Tom Yum soup.  It super easy to make at home, and if you make it vegetarian it’s super quick to make.  I used some of my home made chicken stock as a base for this, but if you’re vegan or vegetarian, you could just as easily use a vegetable stock, and skip the fish sauce.

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Prep time: 10 minutes

Cook time: 15 minutes


2 cups of crimini mushrooms sliced thinly

2 stalks of lemon grass cut in half

2 inch bulb of ginger sliced thinly

2 cups of cabbage roughly chopped

2 cups of chicken or vegetable stock

1.5 cups of organic coconut milk

2 teaspoons of lime juice– or more if you like

1/4 cup of Fresh cilantro roughly chopped

3-5 tablespoons of Fish sauce–really to taste since fish sauces vary by brand.  I used red boat, and about 5 tablespoons, but I know I couldn’t add that much with other brands that are more salty.  Start with 2 and add more gradually until you’re satisfied.

Chili pepper flakes to taste


Add the stock, lemon grass, and ginger to a medium sized sauce pan, and bring to a simmer.  Let cook for  5 minutes so that the stock gets infused with the flavor of the lemon grass and ginger.



Add in the mushrooms, fish sauce and lime, let cook for 3-4 minutes:



Add in the cabbage and coconut milk.

Allow the soup to cook for another 5 minutes or just until cabbage is nice and tender. Turn off the fire, top with cilantro, and red chili flakes, and enjoy!!!
