Flourless Peanut Butter and Chocolate Meringue Cookies


Flourless Peanut Butter Meringue Cookies

Flourless Peanut Butter Meringue Cookies

If there was ever a food match that was made in heaven, it is peanut butter and chocolate! One of my favorite lazy treats is to dip a dark chocolate bar into peanut butter.  So the other day when I was craving a sweet, I thought what a great idea it would be to make a delicious peanut butter cookie that was both moist and light.  Sort of like my Starbucks Inspired Flourless Chocolate Cookie ,or, (cue the light bulb over my head), how about exactly like my Flourless Chocolate Cookie! But instead of adding melted chocolate to the meringue, I’d add melted/warmed peanut butter—and so this cookie was born! It’s light, moist, gooey, and crisp in all of the right places! A miracle really, considering the fact that we all know that I am not the most proficient baker. I was fully expecting that this would turn out to be another disastrous baking episode for me. I’m so glad that I was wrong, and that this turned out to be all that I wanted and more!

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Prep time: 10 minutes

Cook time: 10-12 minutes

Total time: 20 minutes

Makes 8 cookies


2 egg whites
6 Tablespoons of creamy peanut butter warmed
1/8 teaspoon of cream of tartar
3/4  cup of powdered sugar (I used maple sugar,see how to powder any type of sugar here)
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1/2 cup of chocolate chips (optional)

1/8 teaspoon of sea salt

Directions:  Pre-heat the oven to 375F. Over low heat warm the peanut butter, until it begins to thin a bit, and takes on a glossy shine—about 5 minutes, set aside.


Add the two egg whites to a bowl and beat on low until bubbles form, add the cream of tartar and beat on high, add in the sugar one tablespoon at a time and beat until peaks are stiff and fluffy—you can turn the bowl upside down with out the mixture running.


Pour in the melted peanut butter and fold it into the egg white fluff–be gentle– fold until the white streaks disappear.



Fold in the chocolate chips,


then spoon the cookie mixture onto a parchment/silpat lined cookie sheet.


Let them cool for 10 minutes, then move them to a cookie rack to continue cooling 5-7 minutes. Serve and enjoy!




Coconut Cream Banana Pudding

Coconut Cream Banana Pudding

Coconut Cream Banana Pudding


I love dessert, but I’m one of those rare people who can consume just a few bites and be completely satisfied with a dessert.  I don’t like to make whole cakes, pies, or a complete pan of any type of dessert unless I’m taking it to a party.  At home it will just get thrown in the trash.  I’m a single serving dessert kind of gal.  One serving desserts make me happy, their super delicious, quick and easy to make, and always satisfying without the guilt and temptation to eat more. This Banana Coconut Cream dessert is exactly that.  It’s light, takes minutes to make, and is gone just as quickly.  The key to this dessert is refrigeration. Unlike whole milk cream, you don’t need to whip coconut cream for it to set into pillow like mountains, just put it into the refrigerator and  The coconut cream will set up nicely. If you want to make this for an after dinner snack, put the cream into the refrigerator at least an hour before you want to make this.  The best part of this dessert–besides the fact that it’s out of this world delicious–is that it only requires four ingredients, and you don’t have to cook any of them!


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Prep time: 5 minutes

Cook time: none

Makes 2 servings


1 cup of coconut cream

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

2 tablespoons of maple syrup–can sub agave

2 bananas( one smashed with a fork, the other sliced)

5  ginger snaps roughly crumbled (can sub with graham crackers, or granola, or vanilla wafers, or nuts)


Directions: Smash banana, with a fork and set aside.  To a small bowl add the coconut cream, vanilla extract, and maple syrup, mix well, cover and refrigerate  until coconut cream has set–meaning it’s firm like a custard.  Once set, remove from the refrigerator, and fold in the mashed banana. If you’re short on time, you can fold the mashed banana into the cream when you add the vanilla and the sweetener.  Check out the video below  to see exactly how I put it together.  If you like this dessert then you’ll love my Banana Marshmallow Split, it’s also a single serving dessert, super easy and delicious!

Click on the link to see how I put this dessert together: https://www.youtube.com/edit?video_id=6LHcyfEoQg8

While you’re at it  click here to subscribe to my channel.


Pineapple and Coconut Cream Creamsicles!!!

Pineapple and Coconut Cream Creamsicles

Pineapple and Coconut Cream Creamsicles

So it’s official, the Zoku Quick Pop Maker is my new favorite kitchen gadget! It has become my daughters favorite too.  Although I’m pretty sure that she is more a fan of what comes out of the quick pop maker than the actual quick pop maker.  We have been making all sorts of popsicles since we got it.  Page is a big fan of the creamsicle–she is her mother’s daughter after all, but she is also a fan of simple juice pop’s.  Pineapple is a favorite of hers, she just loves it.  I decided to pair it with coconut cream, and let me tell you—THEY ARE AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Prep time: 10 minutes

Cook time: none


1 cup of Pureed pineapple

1/2 cup of coconut cream

1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract

2 tablespoons of maple syrup or your favorite sugar

Directions: Add the cream, vanilla extract and maple syrup to a cup, mix well and set aside.  If using classic pop molds, place all ingredients in a blender and blend until well combined.  Divide mixture evenly among molds and freeze for 6-8 hours or until frozen solid. If you are using the Zoku Quick pop maker, Pour  the pineapple puree into the molds and allow to set for 2-3 minutes.  At the 2 minute mark siphon out the remaining unfrozen puree with a straw or a unused infant aspirator–I purchased one just for this.  Zoku sells a tool kit for $20 which includes a siphon tool, but the aspirator is $3 and does the job equally as well.  After you have removed all of the juice, pour cream into the molds, and allow to set for another 4-5 minutes, then follow the directions for removing the pops.  If you aren’t going to eat the pops right away, you can store them in sandwhich size zip lock bags and place them in the freezer until you’re ready to eat them.  These never last longer than a few hours in our house, so I can’t say how long you could store them that way.  If you like these, you’ll probably love my Orange creamsicle, and Strawberry Creamsicle recipes too.